I just got an old red hymnal. Same kind I grew up singing out of in the church. I found this hymn that I don't know. Man, some of these old hymns rock!
God of love and God of power,
Grant us in this burning hour
Grace to ask these gifts of thee
Daring hearts and spirits free.
Sounds like it could have been written by some feisty Irishman.
You got that right. I absolutely love taking my guitar and picking a song out of one of two old hymnals that I have and letting God put the chords to those timeless words.
You are the "Wild at Heart" video Steve aren't you. I was looking at profiles of people that have read the same books I have and found your blog. God sure put it together with you guys and John and changed my life 3 yrs. ago. I've been listening to God tell me what will make me come alive and have been doing that thing, whatever it is. I'm preparing for a mission trek to serve in a remote village in Alaska for the month of June. They don't know it yet, ha. I just have the heart to love on them and serve them any way I can for a month. Take my guitar and just be with the village. Check my blog, just started it so I could communicate with family and congregation back home.
Love and Peace!
Hey Sam! I don't think i'm the WAH video Steve. I'm not a part of the Ransomed Heart organization, but I am Wild at Heart and will be for life! And I always love finding brothers who are following the Wild Goose, too. I'll check out your blog. Here's to life with daring hearts and spirits free!
You know, I'd be embarassed but I probably wouldn't have kept coming back and checking out the rest of your blog nor would I have posted if I hadn't confused you with someone else. Thanks for exhibiting such Grace! I will be checking back, I enjoy your viewpoint
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