Wednesday, October 11, 2006

watched X3 again

I am Wolverine. What can I say?

You know, I would have to say the sum of the movieamid all the special effects, the far out characters, the plot, the subplots, the science, the magic, the freaks, the furballs, the masters, the pawns, the kings, the queens, the pretty, the ugly, and the in betweenspeel all that away and what's at the core is, "Love wins." Love is bigger than Xavier, bigger than Magneto, bigger than the President, bigger than big business, bigger than Wolverine, bigger than Phoenix. Love never fails.

Life is full of all this conflictthis sound and fury, strutting and fretting its hour upon the stage. But in the end, the only thing that matters is not control and rebellion, not recognition and justification, not rights and wrongs and debts and oughts, not power, not wars, not rumors or war, not earthquakes, not nations, not brawn, not brains, but love. Love is bigger than death, and as big as life.

There is no fear in love. And that is why: love wins.


MJ said...

Yeah I really like those movies, same reason. I have a lot of Storm qualities. It's amazing how even in our post modernism, nothing can weed out the idea of love beating the odds. For all our cynicism, this is still present in our culture. Isn't love the underdog in our lives after all? In the midst of mind and gain and being sustained, love comes up and supercedes it all.

Steve Coan said...

I started a new blog called inthebreaking. It's about how you really don't know the quality of something until it breaks. Christ was known in the breaking of bread by the two on the road to Emmaous, for example. And my little ones have all tried to know the quality of all the stuff in our house by dropping it - does it shatter when I do this? It's not malicious for them, it's just that they don't know it unless it breaks.

When Phoenix asked Wolverine, "Would you die for them?" and he replies, "No, for you." Oh. What an overload for my heart. Because you don't really know love until the breaking.

This song is resonating with me. It's in my heart and has found my voice. I admit to being a Christina Perry fan. I've been known to...