Thursday, October 26, 2006

life is good


It's a good day.

I hold in my hands my very own copy of John Eldredge's brand new book, The Way of the Wild Heart, hot off the press, delivered to my front door step. I can't wait to read it. But for now I can't get over the smell of the ink, the crispness of the pages, the shine of the title, the beauty of the cover, and the idea of once again opening wide my mind, opening wide my heart. First things first. Books, like words, like people you love, are to be savoured, not devoured.


Jill said...

You're welcome :)

Steve Coan said...

A pox upon me for a clumsy louse! I didn't even mention that you pre-ordered the book so I would have it before it even hit the shelves.

Many thanks to my beautiful wife who continues to love me through it all--even the wild stuff.

This song is resonating with me. It's in my heart and has found my voice. I admit to being a Christina Perry fan. I've been known to...