Friday, August 10, 2007

the worst of both worlds

Because if you’re going to work all alone, why would you drive sixty miles through highway construction into the sun both ways to do it, in a place with no cell phone access and all the network computing privileges of an indentured servant? And if you’re going to work with other people, why wouldn’t it be in a place where you could actually see their faces?


The worst of both worlds.

And now they’ve even blocked my blog. I guess they’re on to me. If you’re reading this message it means that I’ve broken through and found a cell phone hotspot and uploaded.


MJ said...

I really hate that feeling....wage slavery. Ugh! Going to work in september....some parts of it I think will be good for me, independence, etc...but, in many respects I dread it for all the same reasons. It's hard when you have an aritist's heart.

I mean God has an artist's heart, but all his words become reality...and he doesn't have to show up someplace at nine and get it all in by five and be a creative person on the time in between all the other crap to do...must be nice.

Cubes....hmmm, I've said this before, recently even...boxes are for dead people, or they suffocate you til you die. So glad I can be here to Polyanna you back to that cushy positive space we christ followers so love to occupy :).

I hear you on this stuff....I don't know if people like us are meant for conventional jobs or conventional anything really. That really sucks sometimes, doesn't it?

Julie said...


I've been back to work for 6 months now. Wanted to wait til my eldest was 11 - well that was my excuse. It's hard. Much harder than when i was a younger 20 something christian. I just seem to have lost the impetus. I'm not lazy, but with single parenting 2 kids doing my christian voluntary work and keeping house and praying and trying to stay close to God.... work is just a real bind. I'm thinking of an excuse to bottle out soon. Don't tell anyone! I want my life back.... I had my kids to bring them up, not leave them to walk miles home to an empty house. That is the expectation these days. We're lucky in the Uk to have a benefit system... i may just need it soon.

Love Julie

This song is resonating with me. It's in my heart and has found my voice. I admit to being a Christina Perry fan. I've been known to...