Friday, July 06, 2007



When you decide something, you end it.


Jon said...

What made you decide to write that? Heh.

Seriously. Our brains are so far behind our hearts that it's a bit audacious for our brains to call it "deciding" in the first place.

Not to mention that God moves the heart. There's no decision involved or required when it really comes down to it.

"Making a decision" puts the gentle leading of God at risk. If the winds of the Spirit are filling the sails even slightly, odds are that a decision made by our brains will set us on a different course from the one intended by the Spirit.

There is a way which leads to life, and there is a way which leads to death. Only one way can be chosen. Ironically, to choose is to die.

The other way, that is life.


Steve Coan said...

Your words are so profound. A true guru you are. When I think about how one way must be chosen, and to choose is to die, it arrests me. I am not able to make my mind wrap around this thought. "The light shines into the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it."

And this presses further in to this very topic. When we engage in the business of choosing, we set about collecting to ourselves all that is relevant, and then, in our engulfment, we make the judgment. At which point, it is over. Done. Finished. Ended. Dead. The journey to decision is the way of death.

This is very different from how life works. How the wind of the heavens animates sails. How the breath of God animates dirt.

This song is resonating with me. It's in my heart and has found my voice. I admit to being a Christina Perry fan. I've been known to...