Sunday, February 10, 2008

forty years in the wilderness

I thought I would coast through my 40th birthday with 40 winks and a sugar free cake but OMG. If you're reading this and you participated in the outpouring of grace to me, thank you. I am humbled by the videos. As for the letters, they are tucked away in a notebook like a hope chest. I'm sure I'll read them one by one over the next week. It's honestly too overwhelming just now. If you're not reading this and you sent something then never mind. I'll be writing or calling everyone back, but I just wanted to post this as a way of letting you know that I'm swimming in a sea of it right now. And ya'll mean to me more than I can say.

And yes, it was a new moon on February 7th.


Jon said...

I hope the weekend was everything you didn't expect it to be.


Julie said...

and you don't look a day over 34!

This song is resonating with me. It's in my heart and has found my voice. I admit to being a Christina Perry fan. I've been known to...