Friday, November 16, 2007


Some radio preacher was saying

Sanctification should be a healthy spiritual dissatisfaction with who you are. Not self-hatred. Not self-contempt...

I never heard the rest of what he said becuase I turned the radio off as fast as I could. Because I think that is completely false. I think

Sanctification should be a healthy spiritual satisfaction with who you are.

And at least according to Jesus it does include hating yourself. I think the reason statements like this get so much play is because there is a widespread misbelief that there is one way to be, and that Christ is a very well-defined standard. But there is way more variety to God than that.

But accepting who you are will cost you a lot. You'll have to say goodbye to lots of stuff you were convinced you should do and should have and should be. And be satisfied with who God calls you. God has lots of children. And he sets them all apart for something special.

Self-satisfaction is way underrated.

P.S. for those who don't know the term here's a link to sanctification on wikipedia.


MJ said...

you gotta stop listening to the radio :)

sam said...

Check out Bob and Sheri in the morning. It beats the heck out of radio preaching.

Steve Coan said...

well, you see how many words he pinched out before I killed the switch this time...I think I'm doing pretty good.

What's Bob and Sheri?

This song is resonating with me. It's in my heart and has found my voice. I admit to being a Christina Perry fan. I've been known to...