Monday, January 08, 2007

you give them something to eat, part iii

God never wrote anything.

Well, I take that back. Three times God did write something.

The first time God wrote was when he etched the Ten Commandments into two stone tables. “And the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, graven upon the tables.” At that time these were the only scriptures known, the only Holy Writ in existence. And what happened next was Moses came down off the very mountain where God gave his written word to men, saw his kin behaving like pagans, making sacrifices to other gods, sitting down to eat and drink, and rising up to play. So Moses threw the Word of God down, smashing it to bits. I used to take this as a fit of rage by Moses, but it really couldn’t have been. Moses already knew what the people were doing before he got there because God had told him. In fact, God was the one who has enraged by this and started to give them the “hot wax” treatment, but Moses interceded on their behalf and stayed God’s wrath. No, this was calculated. Moses destroyed God’s Written Word on purpose.

Fast forward a bit. God rather liked the Ten Commandments and wanted to write them again. So he said to Moses, "Chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I will write on them the words that were on the first tabletswhich you broke.” So Moses chiseled out the tablets like he was told, and God talked to him a while about this covenant that was to be rewritten, and what they were to do with it when they entered the Promised Land, and at the end, God did a curious thing. He said, “You write down the words.” So Moses, not God, wrote the second Ten Commandments.


It kind of reminds me of the first talk God had with Moses. “I have heard the cry of my people and I am come down to deliver them. So now you go and bring my people out of Egypt.”

The second time God wrote was when Belshazzar the Babylonian feasted and drank with the vessels of silver and gold from Solomon’s Temple, which his father Nebuchadnezzar had spoiled. He had them brought in for all his wives and concubines and lords and himself to enjoy a round of wine, and a toast to the gods of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone. And the moment they did this, a human hand (sent from the presence of God) appeared and wrote on the wall, “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, and PARSIN”. The king, needless to say, was terrified. But the queen (who apparently missed all the action) came into the banquet hall, got the story, and reminded the king about Daniel, who was known to have a way with interpreting signs, writing, sayings, and dreams. And interpret he did. The interpretation was that God had made a list, checked it twice, weighed the king and found him lacking, and that his kingdom was being divided up between the Medes and Persians. This interpretation greatly pleased the Belshazzar, but only for a little while. That very night his kingdom was taken away, and he was put to death.

And this just fascinates me. We know exactly where the hand of God wrote. It was “on the plaster of the wall of the king's palace, opposite the lampstand”. But where is that section of wall today? It certainly is not preserved. Maybe it was destroyed that very night when Darius the Mede took over. Maybe it was revered in a museum of antiquity but destroyed by a barbarian raid centuries later. What I know is that it’s gone now. But at least we have a copy of it, like the Ten Commandments, in the Bible. And what I also know is that without Daniel lifting it off the wall and putting it into flesh, it would have been meaningless.

The third time God wrote—if you give me that Jesus was God in the flesh, and that even though the first part of John 8 didn’t appear in the earliest and most reliable manuscripts, it is indeed true—the third time God wrote is when Jesus wrote on the ground when he saved the adulteress from being stoned. The religious elite wanted to stone this girl, and they brought her to Jesus as a test, like some object that was more valuable as an experiment than as an image bearer. Jesus plays the man, defends her, and ultimately saves her. It started with him simply stooping down and writing on the ground. When they continued to hound him, he stood up and spoke: “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” Then he bent back down and wrote some more on the ground. Apparently he wasn’t done. When all her accusers finally left, he stood again and spoke to her. Interesting. When he wanted to speak he stood. When he wanted to write, he stooped.

I looked, and Jesus is the only one who ever stooped down in the whole New Testament. John the Baptist was close, but said he wasn’t even worthy to stoop to undo Jesus’ sandals. Maybe the reason this story is in there is to remind us that for God to write something into the earth, he has to stoop. And maybe that’s why God’s not into writing.

Three times God stooped.

Three times God wrote, and each with a human hand.

So here’s what I’ve been thinking lately. I look at modern Christianity and it seems very scripture-oriented. It seems like the Bible is actually the center of the religion. And what’s more, it seems to claim that God Himself wrote the Bible. This Christmas I got a new Bible. It’s a new translation. The people who made the translation actually took the name “God’s Word” for their translation. More commentary on someone actually claiming to be “the” translation of the Bible later, but for now the important thing is that the Bible is “God’s Word”. Meaning…that it is direct from God. It is written. It is engraved in stone. It is finished. It is closed. It is frozen. It is perfect.

But God didn’t write any of it. Except for the three things.

And I could probably come up with a perfectly reasonable explanation for that if it weren’t for Jesus. I mean, God is Spirit. He has no body. If he wants something written for mankind, sure, have a human write it. Makes sense. But now we have Jesus, God in the flesh. And if Jesus really wanted to start a new religion, and if that religion was going to be scripture-centric, then why didn’t he sequester himself to a cave somewhere, and with the help of an angel put God’s words to paper? (like a certain founder of another middle eastern religion did) Instead, Jesus lived this small life, teaching and healing on the go, trusted his words to his closest friends, and depended on them to keep the message alive after he was gone. The way he said he would do it was by inspiration, through people being in-spirit-ed.

For a long time I also looked at the Bible like it was a fax from heaven, and that the writers were inconsequential. They were chosen to write God’s word for him because they happened to be there. God had something to say, and knew how He wanted it said, so He basically picked the right person, “possessed” them for a spell, had them write something, and then let them return to their regular programming. The assertion wasn't so much that the writers were not involved in the writing, but more that regardless of their involvement, they were incapable of screwing it up.

But what about the God who said to Moses, “I am ready to save my people, now you go…”

What about the God who said to Ezekiel, “Son of man, eat what is before you, eat this scroll; then go and speak to the house of Israel”?

And what about this?

By this time it was late in the day, so Jesus’ disciples came to him. “This is a remote place,” they said, “and it's already very late. Send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.” But he answered, “You give them something to eat.”…looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people.

Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. And when God stoops, the hands that serve are very human indeed.

Mark’s gospel is very fishy and unrefined. Matthew’s has a precision, a sophistication and cross-cultural ease of a tax collector. Luke’s is very Greek, making it a favorite of Americans.

Mark’s is very Markish, Matthew’s is Matthish, Luke’s is Lukish.

And then there are the heavyweights. Paul is revered beyond most of the writers of the New Testament. His writings have their own texture and signature. I don’t have to make up a word to personalize these. Biblical scholars already have. They are referred to as Pauline. And I wonder if this is where some outsiders have issues with the Bible. When Bible defenders say, “God says in 1 Timothy…” they mean the exact same thing as “Paul says in 1 Timothy…” These phrases are even used interchangeably. But that’s a bit mystical…to equate Paul talking with God talking. But I might be accused of overstepping a bit. “After all, it’s not just that Paul saying something is the same as God saying something. It’s because it’s in the Bible that Paul’s words are dubbed God’s words.” Well, that’s a bit circular for my reasoning, because the way they decided what to include in the Bible and what to exclude, was if they could be sure Paul wrote it, then it went in. Meaning, if Paul wrote it, God wrote it. And actually I don’t have a problem with that. I don’t even have a problem with all the personality in Paul’s writings, the greetings, the laments, the sarcasm, the rants, or the personal opinions interspersed with his grand, highly sophisticated treatise on the Mystic Christ. It’s Pauline. Because God does stoop to write with human hands.

John’s are Johannine. And they are treated much like Paul’s. If John wrote it, God wrote it.

Then of course there is Moses who is definitely given the authority of God, and in some ways was seen as God. When Stephen was stoned he was falsely accused by some who said, “We have heard Stephen speak words of blasphemy against Moses and against God” (!) Paul of course would refer to Israel as “the church in the wild” and claim that that church was baptized into Moses (1 Cor 10). No doubt when Moses’ name is used this way, it refers as much to the writings of Moses as it does the man. They refer to the body of Moses as the body of Moses’ writing. And that’s the point. The Old Testament is very Mosish.

But it’s not just sacred writings that’s at stake here. It’s sacred acts as well. It’s more than Jesus leaving the documentation to the plebes after He’s done. Even when Jesus was working it was the disciples who baptized, not Jesus. And after he ascended to heaven, he gave “some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers.” The goal was never for God to speak and act, but for men. Hence, the Man, Jesus. Hence, his followers. “And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me.”

So what does all this mean? Simply this:

You give them something to eat.

Write something, say something, sing something, give something, break something, mend something, for God’s sake, do something!

God did not quit with Mark or Matthew or Luke or Paul or John or Moses or Jesus. He began.

For Christ plays in ten thousand places,
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
To the Father through the features of men’s faces.

(Gerard Manley Hopkins)

It has fallen to us to be God’s voice. As Peter wrote to the exiles in the dispersion, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, as good stewards of God's varied grace. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. Whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”

God doesn’t care to en-grave his words. He cares to veil them with living flesh. He doesn’t care to formaldehyde the pretty butterfly and frame it on his wall. He cares to breathe into that psyche and let it fly. He doesn’t care to put a freeze on the body of divine words. He cares to speak words to animate cold, dead bodies. He doesn’t care for the word that was spoken. He cares for the word that still speaks. Jesus didn’t say to the devil, “It was written…” but rather “It IS written…” He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. Thus, to Ezekiel, he says,

Son of man…prophesy to these bones and say to them, “Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will ‘inspire’ you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.”

Because God could just write things himself, say things himself, do things himself, but He doesn’t.

One last thought about what Jesus wrote on the ground.

Unlike the first two times God wrote—the writing on the tablets, and the writing on the wall—we have no record of what Jesus wrote on the ground.

I could guess at what it is we lost as it was eventually trampled under foot or washed away by rain. Of course I’ve heard all the sermons, the most popular conjecture being that Jesus was writing down the sins of the people aiming to stone the girl, including the secondary conjecture that they were probably guilty of adultery themselves, including the tertiary conjecture that it may have been with this very girl. Oy.

Maybe what he wrote was a message to the earth herself that for the adulteries of all humanity, he would soon die, and be buried in her, but only for a little while. But take heart, for He would one day return.

Or maybe his powerful, graceful finger etched a message into the very ground beneath our feet, for us who would come later, a message rather like a poem or a melody that we could more feel than read, a message that we could get in step with, get in tune with, that would call to us and last us until his return, as long as that might take, a message that would teach us that God’s not done, we’re not born too late, He still speaks, still plays in ten thousand places, lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his, to the Father through the features of our faces.


MJ said...

You really make me want to quit writing. I just want to say.

I really would like to know what he wrote on that ground. It really bugs me that I can't know. I think I put it in a poem. I want to know. But that's no suprise. I want to know everything.

How it blesses me to see others on this same page. I think we are a bit of a rarity in christendom. This little pinball has been flitting around my mind a lot lately.

I write a lot of things, you know. And there are times when it really does feel like recieving a fax. Especially the pictures I get. I have painted when I just want to paint portraits of people, landscapes or whatever. So I know how it feels to do something mine, it takes more labor. When it is a God thing, I don't think or just flies out.

John once said that maybe God takes pleasure in seeing the world through each of our eyes....I really like that idea.

Reading the Bible, what strikes me most is not the stories themselves. It is the consistency that speaks to me. I thought yesterday, when at church, they spoke of Herod killing all the 2 and under the Egyptians during captivity. How Moses needed to be hidden and sent away to remain alive and deliver the people from bondage. I thought of Joseph and Mary fleeing, ironically, to Egypt. I thought of passover and that Jesus died on it and that the blood of a lamb was put on doors to save people from death. I could go on about this for hours. This is what I know about humans... We are not typically very consistant. So one of the miracles of the text, to me, is that it is consistent even though so many different people wrote it at completely different times and added their different flavors. The miracle of it to me is the cohesion of the story from start to finish. Look at us...try to get two humans to agree, let alone humans from different periods in history.

I think about bread. I eat a lot of different ethnic food. Almost every culture has their own sort of bread. Some is flat, some is hard, some is soft. Almost every culture has a type of bread that is unique to it and yet similar to the others. The interesting thing about that is that at communion we eat bread...Jesus' body is bread. You can't plan stuff like that. It is just God. How come it isn't the rice of life, or the peaches of life?

But I go back to what Jill said about boxes. The Bible is a nice little box we like to keep God in. A pretty little curio that we keep in our home. We can put our little apostolic figurines within it and look upon our collection with pride. We can open it when we want to and shut it when we want to. A holy spirit is not something we can control like a book we can pick up and put down whenever we feel like it. I don't think a lot of people like that idea. Indwelling can sometimes feel like being 9 months pregnant...I love you, I'm glad you are coming and all, but this is uncomfortable. Get the heck out of me already.

lucaspick said...

How do you take 2 Timothy 3:16?

Also, was what Jesus wrote on the ground significant in that passage? For it says, " though He did not hear."

Steve Coan said...

That's a great question, Lucaspick. Seems like God breathing into men is a big deal. And likewise, how do you take Genesis 2:7?

This song is resonating with me. It's in my heart and has found my voice. I admit to being a Christina Perry fan. I've been known to...