Saturday, September 09, 2006

what's it all about? created this word cloud based on this blog back in March:
march 2006

I know what I think this blog is about, but we humans have a tremendous capacity for self-deception. So I've kind of entered a new season of life, and I wondered if anything had changed/shifted since March. Here's the new one:

September 2006

And then I got to wondering...what if you did a word cloud from say, the gospel of John? So I did. And here's what you get.

Kind of interesting what people actually write about, huh?

Update. Stardate 2006.09.10

Ok. I've decided to give the other "gospel" writers equal time. Why not? It should be kind of fun to compare the emphasis of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Matthew Mark

1 comment:

John Three Thirty said...

wow, it's kind of a surprise that in the word cloud on John that the theme-words "confused" or "perplexed" don't show up.

I mean, I know those words are more vocabulary-ish today compared to then, but I'm speaking in terms of the vein coursing through John.

John is my favorite of those four. I think a large part has to do with it shows how non-Mr-Rogers Jesus is. His compassion is fierce, yet I think the Body has taken this to an ad nauseum level and lives with Jesus as a rub-a-dub-dub maestro.

I see the Jesus in the book of John totally ignore a lady with a huge problem. Then when he does speak to her he is highly offensive. Then he uses a racial slur to a minority.

Many other places in John it's seen that Jesus' disciples themselves were confused as hell by what he was saying. We read of many Followers turning back from Jesus, forsaking him to never follow again because of some words he said.

The ones who it turns out stick around, we hear Jesus saying to them "how much longer must I put up with you?!?" and "are you ever going to 'get' it?!?!?"

I love John. I think it's amazing that with it being the last gospel written, toward the end of the 1st century, that John gave one last portrayal of Jesus from an eyewitness who had actually walked with Him.

A portrayal that has been lost and trampled by society- and gender-bred notions of Jesus. John's account is still there, visible and readable in John, yet collectively the Body doesn't embrace, I don't think, the Jesus of John.

This song is resonating with me. It's in my heart and has found my voice. I admit to being a Christina Perry fan. I've been known to...