Thursday, January 10, 2008

there is no better you

Unfortunately when you travel through airports, you end up seeing this plastic smile a lot, which is attached to one of the most heinous ideas ever. I kept my mouth shut long enough.
There is no better you.


Jon said...

My gosh, that's redundant. Might as well tell the sun to become a shining star...

Steve Coan said...

Yes. As you know, one of the books I will write is called Doing Myself. I wonder what the world would be like if we could mute the one telling us we could be better. Wasn't that what got Eve into so much trouble?

Relative worth is not only unknown to the children of the Kingdom—it is unknowable.
- George MacDonald

I want to be and do what is me. And nothing else. Close my eyes, Lord.

Lee said...
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Jon said...

...and plug my ears as well. Amen.

This song is resonating with me. It's in my heart and has found my voice. I admit to being a Christina Perry fan. I've been known to...